Chris’ Lockdown Lessons
Lockdown doesn’t mean a quiet life for Chris! Here’s how he is getting on:
Who are you and what’s your role at Phoenix?
“My name is Chris and I am an acupuncturist at Phoenix. I’m well loved here because I reliably bring cakes and biscuits in for the team… Bit of a mid-week treat!”
What were you doing pre-lockdown?
“I was running the afternoon multi-bed acupuncture clinic every Wednesday. The rest of my working week was spent working as a sales team leader for a big airline based locally. It’s a busy job and I look forward to my afternoon at Phoenix – it’s a very caring, healing environment to work in.”
How are you doing at the moment?
“I’m very busy. My other job is massively affected and I’m doing my best to keep my team’s spirits up. We speak to so many people who have been affected in different ways and I’m proud to say my training as an acupuncturist has really come in handy! I’m realising it’s important not to burn out so I’ll be taking some time off soon to recharge my batteries.
What are you looking forward to?
“I’m most looking forward to going on a holiday. I think after this is over we will all deserve one! I also can’t wait to go see my mum – I really miss her.”
Our acupuncture clinic is paused at the moment but Chris & Giles will be back as soon as it is safe for everyone again.
All the best,
Gill, Lizzie, Olivia & the rest of our team xxx
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Any amount you can spare allows us to continue supporting local people with chronic mental & physical health issues.