Sculpting | Draining | Cleansing
This treatment aims to break up stubborn areas of cellulite that are typically found on the thighs, buttocks and hips. Once the fat has been broken up it is moved towards the core of your body so that it can be processed and eliminated.
What to expect
Our therapist will assess your cellulite before proceeding with the treatment. During the treatment she will use techniques such as pinching and plucking to break up the cellulite under the skin. She will then use stroking actions to move the fat away from the affected area. The body takes the fat cells into the lymph vessels and carries it away for processing.
Jump down the page for more information about cellulite and some Frequently Asked Questions
Cellulite is fat that is deposited in pockets just below the surface of the skin. The deposits cause the skin to look dimpled and bumpy a bit like orange peel or cottage cheese. Cellulite deposits aren’t about being fat though. Skinny people can get it too.
Why does it happen?
Cellulite is more common in women than men. It’s estimated that around 80% of women have some cellulite. Men are less likely to have cellulite because the connective tissue that anchors their skin to muscle is structured differently to women’s. It harder for the fat to affect the appearance of the surface of the skin.
As we age our skin becomes less elastic and so there is less resistance to the fat pushing up through the skin. It’s a fact that we are more likely to get cellulite the older we get
It is thought that hormones, particularly oestrogen, play a part in in the formation of cellulite. A lot of women develop cellulite after puberty or pregnancy – times when the body’s hormone levels a change.
Sadly, your cellulite might be down to genetics! If your mother had cellulite the chances are you may too. This is because genes dictate the distribution of fat and skin elasticity as well as hormones and other factors that influence cellulite.
Diets that are high in fat and processed foods have been found to be linked to the development of cellulite. That is why we would recommend a detox diet in conjunction with your massage treatments.
It’s a common belief that your body needs to be well hydrated to efficiently eliminate fat cells. Drinking 2 litres of water a day will help your body to process toxins, fat and any excess hormones
You can’t change genetics, but you can change factors such as diet, hydration and exercise levels. Lifestyle factors such as not getting enough exercise, drinking too much alcohol, not drinking enough water are all thought to affect the way that fat cells are formed and distributed around the body.
The Bottom Line
Cellulite is unsightly but it is completely normal. It is not a sign of any health issues and for most people it isn’t a medical concern. If you want to reduce your cellulite it is worth trying an anti-cellulite massage but we would always recommend that you make positive changes to your lifestyle at the same time.
Tried it, loved it:
Here’s what one of our clients have said…
I found this massage invigorating. My visible cellulite definitely reduced and my skin looked so much better. The Cellulite did come back but I guess at 58 years of age its going to take a while to get rid of!