rejuvenating facial massage


Calming | Uplifting  | Restoring

This facial massage relieves tension in the muscles of the face and scalp while also draining fluid from the face and so reducing puffiness.  It is a deeply relaxing and uplifting facial that uses therapeutic massage techniques to dissolve tension and reduce stress lines.  The treatment uses minimal products on the face and leaves the skin glowing with vitality. To be clear  – this is not your regular facial with a cleanse, tone and moisturise – this is a therapeutic facial massage! 

What to expect

You will be made comfortable on a massage couch and your relaxation will begin with the application of hot towels to you feet.  This triggers a calming of your nervous system.  Our therapist will then being to massage your face, neck, scalp and shoulders, gently easing away any tension. During the massage your therapist will also use acupressure techniques on specific pressure points around your face, scalp and clavicles.

The main benefits of this treatment are: improved circulation and lymphatic drainage, relaxation and improved sleep. Jump down the page for more information about this treatment and some Frequently Asked Questions

60 mins



Daily life can take it’s toll on the appearance of your face.  Stress, dehydration and muscle tension all have a negative impact and can lead to puffiness, dark circles under the eyes and fine lines in the skin.

Facial massage can help to revive the skin and leave you feeling uplifted and glowing with vitality.

How does it do this?

Facial massage, like body massage, can boost the circulation increasing the flow of nutrient rich blood to the skins cells.  It also has the effect of gently draining lymphatic fluid – its a build up of this fluid that can lead to puffiness in the face, especially around the eyes. 

In addition, this therapeutic massage is deeply relaxing and calms the nervous system reducing the feelings of stress and helping to promote a good quality of sleep. 

The gentle massage techniques employed by your therapist relax the facial muscles leaving you feeling blissfully calm.

Finally, the inclusion of rose quartz crystals in this treatment cools and restores adding an extra element of luxury to what is already a wonderfully indulgent treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Can the rejuvenating facial massage reverse the signs of aging?

A: Aging is a natural process – nothing can stop it! But the appearance of the skin is made worse by stress, dehydration and tension – all things that are not age related. This treatment will help to reduce negative effects of everyday life.

Q: Why have a rejuvenating facial massage if it wont stop me aging?

A: Well you really need to try this treatment to answer that.  It is so relaxing that you will be left feeling wonderfully refreshed and ready for anything.  

Q: Are there any other benefits to this massage?

A: Yes! There are many benefits. Here are a few: improved immune system, circulation and sleep, reduced stress levels and tension.  All in all its the feeling of calmness and vitality that we’d all put at the top of our lists

Q: Why doesn’t the massage include a cleanse, tone and moisturise?

A: This isn’t a facial it is a therapeutic facial massage. It is about working on your nervous system, muscle structure and circulation to boost the health of the tissues in your face, neck, scalp and shoulders.

What to expect:

  • Before you get here, please make sure you’ve filled out your pre-session form (this is included in your booking confirmation email – you only need to do this once)
  • When you arrive at Phoenix, you’ll be greeted by our friendly Reception team
  • Your therapist will come to you and take you to your room
  • They will ask you a few questions to help understand what you’d like from the treatment
  • After your treatment, the therapist will leave the room for a moment and bring you a glass of water
  • They will share after-care tips tailored to your treatment and you

Our Therapists:

  • Highly skilled in their specialist therapies
  • Motivated by helping others feel good
  • Will honestly explain if they think that you would benefit from a different treatment type (even if that means with one of our other therapists)
  • Give easy-to-do aftercare to maximise the benefits of your treatment (sometimes this is: “have a long, lovely bath…”)
  • Fully qualified
  • Have professional indemnity insurance
  • Members of a relevant professional body that requires them to undertake continuing professional development

Tried it, loved it:

Here’s what one of our clients have said…

“I found this treatment so relaxing. I don’t know if I looked younger when I came out. I just know I didn’t care!”