Meet the Team: Jordan
Jordan is the newest member of the Phoenix Team.
Jordan joined Phoenix Health and Wellbeing in February and is trained in sports and deep tissue massage. We thought it would be good to get to know Jordan more so Rachel, our Office Manager, interviewed him for the Phoenix blog.
RM: So Jordan, where are you from?
JAH: I’m originally from the West Midlands and I’ve worked hard to lose the accent. It comes out occasionally though.
RM: I can’t really hear your accent at all! How did a West Midlands boy end up in Leeds then?
JAH: I moved to Huddersfield for University where I studied music technology and popular music. My fiancée, Lucy, studied at Leeds so Leeds has become our adopted home. We’ve lived here for the last 7 years and we love it.
RM: You’re engaged!!?
JAH: Yep. I’ve been engaged to Lucy for over 6 years (yes we’re that couple)
RM: Congratulations! If you started out studying a music degree how come you’re now a sports therapist?
JAH: Growing up I played a lot of sport. Rugby mainly. When I started competing and playing for the Staffordshire county team I used sports massage more and more to improve my performance and to aid injury recovery.
I have always been interested in becoming a therapist and two years ago I finally decided to take the plunge and head back to college.
RM: How are you finding being at Phoenix so far? Answer truthfully!
JAH: I’m really enjoying the work. I love trying to help people either achieve their goal or just help relieve aches and pains. It has been awesome and I can’t wait to meet more people.
RM: Great! So last question, can you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
JAH: A couple of years ago I started a board game business with my friend and last year we successfully funded our first game on Kickstarter.
Thanks for chatting to us Jordan! Jordan works every Wednesday and Thursday at Phoenix.
Phoenix Health & Wellbeing is a Charity. We are also a social enterprise. Anyone can come to us for counselling or complementary therapies. If you are not referred you will be asked to pay the market rate. The proceeds of your treatment will then be directed to our charity ‘pot’.
Opening times:
Monday to Thursday from 10:00 to 20:00
Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00
Sunday closed.
Book your massage via our website or call 0113 234 0818 to speak to one of the team